2025 Discount Golf Cards
Buy online: 
Also available for $30 at:
Canadian Tire in Kamloops - Aberdeen and Northshore - $30
Remax on Seymour St. - $30 cash only
Wilson M Beck Insurance @ 574 Lorne St. (easy parking) - $30 cash only
Participating Golf Courses
Use the card up to 4 times at each course. Not valid with any other discounts at these locations. No cash value.
Eagle Point Golf Resort - 250-573-2453
50% off all regular priced peak season prime time 18-hole green fee, valid Mon – Thurs after 11 AM (excluding holidays). Rainchecks not applicable with promo.
The Dunes at Kamloops - 250-579-3300 ext. 1
18 holes guest walking rate of $75 plus tax on Sunday and Wednesday after 11 am. Cart fee additional. Must be booked in advance.
Bighorn Golf & Country Club - 250-571-7888
2 for 1. Based on our 18-hole prime season rate. Valid any day after 1 PM. Not valid on holidays, no rainchecks.
Shuswap Lake Golf Course at Blind Bay - 250-675-2315
50% off one regular priced peak season prime time 18-hole green fee. Valid Mon - Thurs after 11am & Friday-Sun/holidays after 1pm. Rainchecks not applicable with promo.
Chinook Cove Golf & RV 1-888-607-4653
2 for 1 rate green fee weekdays after 1:30 pm and weekends after 2:30 pm. Valid on green fees only carts not included. Not valid on stat holidays.
Contact us: [email protected]